But both he and his successor Tiberius realized that the greater need was to consolidate the existing empire, and absorb the vast additions recently made to it by Pompey, Caesar and Augustus. However, these individuals are able to successfully absorb all the necessary B12 from pills. Cool colors like blue, violet, and green absorb light rather than reflect it, making the room feel physically cooler. This is your chance to absorb the full shock of magnificant graphics engine put to stunning use. After being heat-cured, the tiles retain their natural color and are porous, which means that they have the ability to absorb water.To make them non-porous, they need to have a sealant or glaze applied to them. These various benefactions were, as a rule, merely the indirect methods which the great landowners employed in order to absorb the small proprietor. 1. The average child using the typical amount of fluoridated toothpaste will swallow or absorb 0.5 to 1.0 mg. of fluoride per brushing. Whites and Indians are allowed to establish trading stations on obtaining special permits from the government, and the Indians absorb much of the retail trade. The contents of the barn are therefore left till moist weather occurs, and then by the admission of atmospheric air the leaf blades absorb moisture and become soft and pliant. Then the trapped root is gradually chooked off, so that it can absorb water or nutrients, and the entire tree suffers. 237+14 sentence examples: 1. As the water boils, the curlers absorb moisture and heat. The decreased ability to digest, absorb, and utilize food properly (malabsorption) may cause anemia (low red blood count from iron deficiency) or easy bruising from a lack of vitamin K. People with celiac disease may also experience lactose intolerance because they do not produce enough of the enzyme lactase, which breaks down the sugar in milk into a form the body can absorb. But this single receptacle could not absorb a tithe of the whole number of convicts awaiting exile. Sentences. During photosynthesis, plants absorb the sun's energy. The eggs not only absorb the color from the beet juice but also take some of the flavor from the marinade as well. The absorb list of example sentences with absorb. My guess is we won't have to absorb all this information. During this phase the incoming gas and air have been withdrawing heat from the left-hand regenerators, which have thus been cooling down, while the escaping products of combustion have been depositing heat in the right-hand pair of regenerators, which have thus been heating up. 5 I10 600 150 I 00 I 00 400 400 600 2500 absorb. In some cases the NEO is held together too weakly to be able to absorb the energy transfer required for deflexion. These affirmations are profoundly hypnotic and soothing, allowing you to absorb the affirmation on a very deep level. 1. 1. employing such an excess of sulphuric over nitric that the latter will be rendered anhydrous or concentrated and maintained as such in solution in the sulphuric acid, and that the sulphuric acid shall still be sufficiently strong to absorb and combine with the water produced during the actual formation of the guncotton. Bricks cannot be too well burnt for garden walls; the harder they are the less moisture will they absorb. Shields made of water or wax can be used to absorb neutrons. The rocks absorb the heat from the sun, and they're so sharp you'll wear your boots out in no time. Moisture wicking materials actually absorb the sweat, keeping it off skin, and this in turn helps regulate a player's body temperature. Forgiving enough to absorb the lunges of a big carp but with enough reserve to stop fish when needed. When the service is frequent enough to give a good power factor continuously, the steam locomotive cannot compete with the electric motor for the purpose of quick acceleration, because the motors applied to the axles of a train may for a short time absorb power from the central station to an extent far in excess of anything which a locomotive boiler can supply. This difficulty was overcome by first filling the cylinder with porous briquettes and then soaking them with a fixed percentage of acetone, so that after allowing for the space taken up by the bricks the quantity of acetone soaked into the brick will absorb ten times the normal volume of the cylinder in acetylene for every atmosphere of pressure to which the gas is subjected, whilst all danger of explosion is eliminated. These are some of the questions which must absorb the energies of the rising generation of economists. Those gaps are what cause the hair to curl, wave, and absorb enough moisture from the air to become frizzy. The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historial usage. It appeared that a surface blackened so as to absorb the radiant energy directed on it was repelled relatively to a polished surface. Exercise helps your muscles absorb glucose. Other than that, both kinds of face powder work great to absorb excess oil on your skin. Plants absorb nutrients from the soil. The animal cell can absorb its carbohydrate and proteid food only in the form of carbohydrate and proteid; it is dependent, in fact, on the pre-existence of these organic substances, themselves the products of living matter, and in this respect the animal is essentially a parasite on existing animal and plant life. How To Use Absorb In A Sentence? The earl of Richmond had been selected by the conspirators as their figure-head mainly because he was known as a young man of ability, and because he was unmarried and could therefore take to wife the princess Elizabeth, and so absorb the Yorkist claim in his own. All recent innovations, all attempts made during the last hundred years to absorb Hungary in a greater Austria, were revoked. 🔊 Did you know oxygen enters the … We will not absorb these charges. We are enabled by means of it to extend materially the range of our observation, especially if the ordinary kinds of glass, which strongly absorb ultraviolet light, are avoided, and, when necessary, replaced by quartz. Vitamins in liquids absorb much quicker in the stomach than pills. Conventional cotton undergarments absorb moisture and the cotton fibers swell which closes up fabric pores forming a barrier against water vapor diffusion. ); the expenses of the two imperial chanceries, 10,000,000 roubles per annum, which constitute in effect a secret service fund. Tryptophan is one of the least abundant aminos, and meaning that you must take your tryptophan with foods that are low in other amino acids to make sure your absorb it properly. These include talc to provide softness and smoothness, and Silica which helps to absorb oils from the skin. Each individual crystal can absorb a vast amount of fluid, wand this is why silica makes such a great cat litter. In the south Meppel and Koevorden absorb the largest amount of trade. use Absorb in a sentence. Quite clearly the cooling unit is lacking the capacity to absorb enough heat to allow for effective heat dissipation. CM 288027 He was absorbed in the book. Compulsory service with the colors is in Germany no longer universal, as there are twice as many able-bodied men presented by the recruiting commissions as the active army can absorb. One can absorb the loss in transmission frequently, by over-compounding the machine. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. The drying oils absorb oxygen somewhat rapidly and dry to a film or skin, especially if exposed in a thin layer. 🔊 : They have absorbed the English-speaking colonialist attribution of barbarity to the Irish language. injector pipes which absorb a little more heat which then vapourises. It's especially important to note that cooking can help the body absorb certain phytochemicals (or plant chemicals) found in specific foods, such as beta-carotene in carrots and lycopene in tomatoes. absorbing heat from the sun She is good at absorbing information. When using a crate during housebreaking, be sure to line the bottom of the crate with towels or newspapers to absorb accidents. However, this is the amount that the body needs to absorb, so as well as ensuring that enough vitamin B12 is consumed, it is also important to ensure that it is being absorbed. It's a medical condition in which the body becomes less able to absorb glucose, a type of sugar, from the blood. [VERB noun] A household radiator absorbs energy in the form of electric current and releases it in the form of heat. The other Asiatic exporting countries also maintain native silk manufactures which absorb no inconsiderable proportion of their raw material. Fecal protein loss test: This test is used to identify the inability to digest and absorb proteins in the GI tract. I wish I could just absorb the information I need to know for my anatomy final through osmosis into my brain. Once the victim is under medical care, doctors have the option of treating the person with a specific remedy to counteract the poison (antidote) or with activated charcoal to absorb the substance inside the individual's digestive system. They are known for their ability to absorb water and are great to use to prevent soil erosion. It may be more conveniently prepared by passing the vapour of sulphur over red hot charcoal, the unccndensed gases so produced being led into a tower containing plates over which a vegetable oil is allowed to flow in order to absorb any carbon bisulphide vapour, and then into a second tower containing lime, which absorbs any sulphuretted hydrogen. Instead, they absorb ultraviolet photons from hot stars which are near or embedded in the nebula. These substances absorb water and become pimelic acids. In addition, damaged kidneys cannot activate vitamin D, which is needed to absorb calcium. 2. Examples of absorb in a Sentence a fabric that absorbs sweat The walls are made of a material that absorbs sound. These units use limestone to absorb the sulfur which produces gypsum as a waste product. Primary tumors or cells that have metastasized absorb the radioactive material and show up as dark spots on the scan. You absorb the nicotine in them through your skin. types of glands also exist, either in connection with the epidermis or not, such as nectaries, digestive glands, oil, resin and mucilage glands, &c. They serve the most various purposes in the life of the plant, but they are not of significance in relation to the primary vital activities, and cannot be dealt with in the limits of the present article.l The typical epidermis of the shoot of a land plant does not absorb water, but some plants living in situations where they cannot depend on a regular supply from the roots (e.g. In 1900 the government of New Zealand made overtures to absorb Fiji. silica gel crystals to absorb the moisture. In the Church of England the question was broached in Convocation, shortly after the revival of that body, in 1859; and during the next few years many suggestions were put forth for the establishment of a Board of Missions which should absorb the societies, or at least direct their work. The starch granules absorb liquid, causing the sauce to thicken. You also need vitamin D to absorb calcium correctly, which is why you often see it added to calcium supplements. It appears from the observations of Maze that the bacterium can even absorb free nitrogen when grown in cultures FIG. Unfortunately, since human hair wigs feature porous strands, these wigs can absorb odors and need to be washed frequently in order to maintain their bounce and fresh quality. Be sure to use organic sunscreen, especially on your most sensitive skin where you don't want to absorb chemicals. Carbon dioxide molecules absorb radiant heat at a wavelength of 15 microns. Because the body doesn't absorb non-heme iron as well, vegetarians must consume a greater amount in order to meet their recommended daily allowance. These synthetic fibers do not absorb water at the same rate that wool or natural carpet fibers will. 3. Within seconds he was absorbedin the evening paper. Thus the earth and the roots of grasses absorb the useful matters not only from the water that passes over it, but from that which passes through it. Children are like little sponges that seem to be able to absorb languages very quickly. Synonyms: soak up, drink in, devour, suck up More Synonyms of absorb. Allow ten minutes to absorb, then remove excess with damp cotton squares or toning lotion. The Word “absorb” in Example Sentences. Allow the cream to absorb, then gently blend in the concealer. The lead pair of reindeer would absorb 14.3 quintillion joules of energy per second each. The Organic Life brand supplements are liquid vitamins, which means the body does not need to break down a solid compound and is thus free to absorb all the important vitamins and minerals within. Vitreous - Tiles will absorb less than .05 percent of the water to which the tile is exposed. Plant a tree to help absorb carbon dioxide from the environment. Children who cannot or will not eat, or who are unable to absorb nutrients taken by mouth, may be fed intravenously (parenteral nutrition) or through a tube inserted into the gastrointestinal tract (enteral nutrition). Loeb found experimentally that increase of metabolic products in muscle greatly raised its osmotic pressure, and so it would absorb water from a relatively concentrated sodium chloride solution. From their direct observations , children absorb a model of marriage. The unexpected information was coming so fast it was hard to absorb. Children can absorb a lot of knowledge from their parents about money management. Men do not eat an animal for which they have a reverential dread, or if they eat it at all, it is only in a sacramental feast and in order to absorb into themselves its life and holy properties. Some people, however, have digestive trouble and the vitamin becomes difficult to break down and absorb into the body. Eating gluten causes the lining of the small intestine to become damaged thus reducing the coeliac's ability to absorb certain foods. padded headrests also absorb shock and pressure and prevent bounce. The manufacturer boasts that the body can absorb 98% of the nutrient content in this potion, which makes it a longevity booster. Due to the different rates at which our bodies absorb vitamin D, one person's supplementation requirements may not be the same as yours. She can absorb and channel the gifts of others. He was completely absorbed in his work. Several medications can affect your body's ability to absorb B vitamins, making a liquid supplement desirable for some individuals. Some claim that the human body can absorb more of the nutrients within all in one liquid vitamins than from multivitamins in tablet form. Normally, the pancreas makes insulin, and the insulin signals the muscles to absorb glucose. It is an energetic reducing agent, a property utilized in its application in gas analysis to absorb oxygen, and in photography as a developer. Body oils absorb easily into the skin and moisturize for the longest period of time. absorb (v): to take something in, especially graduallyUse 'absorb' in a sentence This paper does not absorb ink. CM 21185 Dry sand absorbs water. The top portion that goes around the IR end is bulbous and is designed to absorb most of the impact since remotes that have flown from hands had that end smack against TVs. Ascorbic acid occurs naturally in foods such as citrus fruit, tomatoes, potatoes, and leafy vegetables.Vitamin C is important for bones and connective tissues, muscles, and blood vessels. These diapers are very absorbent, so your baby will stay dry and comfortable. So Tertullian writes: "The water which carried the Spirit of God (probably regarded as a shadow or reflection-soul) borrowed holiness from that which was carried upon it; for every underlying matter must needs absorb and take up the quality of that matter which overhangs it; especially does a corporeal so absorb a spiritual, as this can easily penetrate and settle into it owing to the subtlety of its substance." He was absorbed in a computer game.Back to “3000 Most Common Words in English” Many people choose to mix the powder into protein shakes, oatmeal, or other meals that will absorb the powder and flavor. I am armed with a small potted geranium, which will absorb your goodness, leaving you completely defenseless! After you clean your face, apply your favorite moisturizer and allow it to absorb into your skin for at least 10 minutes. at atmospheric pressure water will absorb about 760 times its own volume of ammonia vapour), and this produces an evaporation from the liquid in the vessel previously used as a condenser. Some smartphones can cost you several hundred dollars and this is not an expense than the average consumer wants to absorb. 1. If an owner can't afford hospitalization, some vets are willing to administer large doses of fluid, injected just beneath the skin that the dog's body will slowly absorb. 55- Small business are often absorbed by a major company. Plants often need trace elements in the soil in order to absorb major nutrients, too. It had been a fundamental element of both Jewish and Gentile religions, and Christianity tended rather to absorb and modify such elements than to abolish them. The frame should have padding on the bridge of the nose and at the temples so that they will absorb as much of the shock as possible in the event of a direct hit. 11. TOP TIP: ' give clear, repeated instructions in chunks the size your child can absorb. The property of the semi-drying oils to absorb oxygen is accelerated by spreading such oils over a large surface, notably over woollen or cotton fibres, when absorption proceeds so rapidly that frequently spontaneous combustion will ensue. The chief importance of nitrogenous compounds depends upon their assimilation by living plants, which, in their development, absorb these compounds from the soil, wherein they are formed mainly by the action of nitrifying bacteria. 35. When purchasing ped socks for sports, look for socks with a cushioned foot bed to help absorb shock. Most of these drinks contain raw ingredients only, so drinking them is a good way to help your body absorb helpful vitamins, minerals, and nutrients. The latter body would, however, have the power to "absorb" the head of the state if he showed signs of ambition. Example Sentences for absorb Children are like little sponges that seem to be able to absorb languages very quickly. They do not represent the opinions of YourDictionary.com. Since this litter is made to absorb many times its weight in liquid, the liquid in the cat's intestinal tract or lungs is what gets absorbed. Whether this could by its own growth have been extended over his free tenants and carried so far as to absorb a local court, like that of the hundred, into private possession, is not certain. Absorb definition, to suck up or drink in (a liquid); soak up: A sponge absorbs water. Smoking raises the risk of developing this condition by interfering with the absorption of vitamin C, which the body needs to absorb folic acid. The potatoes help to absorb chemicals in your body. You only absorb calcium for these essential processes in the presence of vitamin D. Alpha lipoic acid is a powerful antioxidant that dissolves in both water and fat, making it easy for your body to absorb it. NekoKanjya 241482 Black cloth absorbs light. 51- A man who is absorbed in his work looks animated. Seeking for commercial profit, not in the exchange of commodities, but solely in the acquisition of actual gold and silver, and realizing that the home market could not absorb a tithe of the merchandise imported, the Lisbon capitalists sent their ships to discharge in Antwerp (where a Portuguese staple was established in 1503), or in some other port near the central markets of Europe. Examples of absorb in a sentence, how to use it. The rice will absorb the vinegar and become glossy. Plants are furnished with a constructive mechanism by which they are enabled to fabricate the food on which they live from the inorganic, gaseous and liquid matters which they absorb. Padding is taken care of by the contoured antibacterial chamois designed to absorb sweat and reduce bacterial build up on longer rides. The materials used are blends of wool, nylon or even cotton so the socks are breathable and absorb moisture. The other variant of cloth diapers involves having both liners (to absorb waste) and a cover (to prevent leaking). 2. Indeed they are the key, and as noted, they're built to absorb tension forces. Even the most transparent bodies known absorb an appreciable portion of the light transmitted through them. Its purport is that glowing vapours similarly circumstanced absorb the identical radiations which they emit. 🔊, In order to absorb all of this knowledge, I must read every single page in this book and study it all very carefully. Most people can absorb an adequate amount of vitamin D from the sun from normal daily routines. Ensure that there is adequate frontal coverage to absorb urine, and also check to make sure that the whole liner is really inside the diaper cover so that moisture cannot wick from the inside of the diaper to the outside. 3. These diapers are very absorbent, so your baby will stay dry and comfortable. A minor Greek force in the Epirus theatre, and the Montenegrins in northern Albania, were similarly to absorb the attention of the Turkish garrisons (3 independent divisions) and to conquer territory. Light colors are important because they do not absorb sunlight. iron is found in two forms, heme and non-heme; heme iron is much easier to absorb into the system. As it turns out, bones have minerals that are important for a dog's health in a form that he can easily absorb. Combined antibacterial effect and capacity to absorb exudate even under high compression. Impervious - Tiles will absorb less than .5 percent of water. Definition of absorb verb in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. Girls should use the tampon with the least absorbency necessary to absorb the flow. 38. CK 293155 He was absorbed in thought. Ferrous solutions absorb nitric oxide, forming dark green to black solutions. This method provides a new way for the body to absorb the essential vitamins in a more effective way. Silica Crystals - These crystals are very absorbent and absorb odors better than the other types of litter. The power of green plants, not even specialized in any of these directions, to absorb certain carbohydrates, particularly sugars, from the soil was demonstrated by Acton in 1889. Black walls absorb a lot of heat Others complain that in humid climates, stacked or draped Egyptian cotton towels absorb moisture from the air and are always damp. The porphyrins and protoporphyrins in the sample absorb the light energy and fluoresce, or glow. He had, it is true, been unable to prevent the retention of the grand-duchy of Warsaw by Alexander of Russia; but with the aid of Great Britain and France (secret treaty of January 3, 1815) he had frustrated the efforts of Prussia to absorb the whole of Saxony, Bavaria was forced to disgorge the territories gained for her by Napoleon at Austria's expense, Illyria and Dalmatia were regained, and Lombardy was added to Venetia to constitute a kingdom under the Habsburg crown; while in the whole Italian peninsula French was replaced by Austrian influence. By eating natural foods, the body is able to absorb the beneficial nutrients and reap their rich rewards. There are different materials available as well: towel-types tend to absorb sweat better, whereas synthetic grips last longer. being produced into delicate tubes which curl round and adher~ firmly to particles of soil, thus at once fixing the root firmly in thi soil, and enabling the hair to absorb readily the thin films of watei ordinarily surrounding the particles (fig. Place them on a paper towel to absorb the grease. That's why they visit birthplaces, places of monumental happenings like battlefields or sites of great tragedies— to absorb a tiny bit of what happened there. Translations of the phrase ABSORB IN from english to french and examples of the use of "ABSORB IN" in a sentence with their translations: Do not absorb in sawdust or other combustible absorbents. Diarrhea occurs because more fluid passes through the large intestine (colon) than that organ can absorb. Are 35 example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and more absorb him it will sufficiently! 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