But a handful of blueberries with a bit of yogurt can be a nice, healthy and safe treat. Kittens can produce the enzyme lactose because they drink mothers milk for the first few months of their lives, so they are able to digest milk better than adult cats. More importantly, having full meals replaced from their regular diet and they’ll miss out on vital nutrients of properly formulated cat food. However, there’s a risk it also won’t help, or could make things worse. If it was Sugar Free, it had artificial sugar added. However, there aren’t currently any studies looking at how yogurt affects cats with kidney problems. Vanilla yogurt is likely to contain vanilla flavoring which may contain other ingredients that are bad for your cats. I have a Greek yogurt that is unflavored. Many cats are lactose intolerant, but they should still be able to consume small amounts of plain yogurt. My cat loves yogart I give him a teaspoon once a day I try and make sure its Greek plain yogart but by accident I got vanilla Greek yogart and gave my cat a teaspoon after realizing that it wasn’t plain. However, that said we wouldn’t advise giving them any. The confusion over milk and yogurt is reasonable, but veterinarians who understand this have shared the results of new research about probiotics in yogurt and how they can help cats feel better. Milk doesn’t contain many health benefits when a cat grows out of the kitten stage and, in the wild, cats wouldn’t continue to consume milk into adulthood. Make sure that the yogurt is within its use-by date, that the cat’s bowl is clean, and that you don’t give them too much yogurt. In fact, because of its iffy lactose-filled nature, milk products are on the ASPCA list of foods to avoid feeding your pets. But, they don’t contain many health benefits for cats and they are quite high in natural sugar so too many regular strawberries may cause stomach problems. I feed my two cats high grade kitty food with blueberry. You shouldn’t give your cat too much yogurt, and it certainly shouldn’t be consumed every day, but you can let your cat finish the odd yogurt pot or put a couple of spoonfuls in their food bowl. There are also some fruits that are safe for cats to eat. If your cat has a small amount of yogurt, you shouldn’t need to worry. She loves eating yogurt and egg yolk, both is her favorite. Cats wouldn’t necessarily choose to eat blueberries in the wild. If your cat tends to eye your yogurt spoon with interest, here’s what you need to know about whether cats can eat yogurt. Can Cats Eat Yoghurt? If you’re looking for something to spice up your cat’s daily diet, there are a wide variety of human foods that cats enjoy that don’t wreak havoc on their digestive systems like yogurt might. Just like diarrhea, some people believe that yogurt can be a good cure for constipation in cats. It is the healthiest yogurt I could find. Welcome to your simple cat feeding … More... What does a cat yawn mean? The live bacteria or probiotics have been incredible in helping with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), bloating, and a myriad of other digestive issues. My milk is lactate. Many cats love yogurt, but some cats don’t. The benefits of yogurt in people are well known, but many wonder if they extend to cats as well. Flavored yogurts usually contain sugars or artificial sweeteners, which should always be avoided in your cat’s diet. Look for natural, full-fat yogurt with lots of good probiotics. Should your cat display any signs of abnormal behavior, or feeling unwell, call your vet straight away. Blueberries are a human ‘superfood’ because they are low in calories, high in fiber and they contain many vitamins including vitamins A, C, E and K. Blueberries also contain essential minerals such as potassium, iron, and manganese. So how do I WIN? After all, it’s another problem related to their digestive system! If your cat doesn’t like yogurt, there are plenty of other things you can offer them as an occasional treat. Popular culture is full of images of cats lapping up milk or snacking on cream. 5. It also helps to maintain healthy blood pressure. Many adult cats are lactose intolerant, but the fermentation process that creates yogurt actually breaks down the lactose, making it easier for cats to digest. To see what cookies we serve and set your own preferences, please review our Cookie Policy. Tips, stories, and reviews for people who love dogs, powered by Rover.com, the world's largest network of 5-star pet sitters and dog walkers. As a result, many cats go on to become lactose intolerant. Yogurt can also potentially in some cases be used to soothe a cat’s upset stomach and to help them recover from an illness. Coming back to the original question: can cats eat yogurt? When I eat yogurt , my cat also likes to eat it with me. You shouldn’t give your cat too much yogurt. I worked for an animal compounding pharmacy. Now, we know a little more about whether cats physically can eat and digest yogurt. My vet said that whatever they are eating is just fine . Make sure that you make decisions based on your own cat. But, if that’s true then why is yogurt recommended for cats with digestive problems by some people? Well, the rule is that cats can eat yogurt that is plain and unsweetened only. They’ll be able to advise you about the best probiotics to use, and the healthiest amount for your cat. All you need to find a kitten and raise a happy, healthy cat, November 9, 2020 By Sophia Moss 12 Comments. So, rather than feed them flavored yogurt why not give them natural plain yogurt with a few fresh blueberries so they still get the nice taste without the additional sugar. As long as its plain yogurt with no additives such as sugars then it should be fine to treat them once in awhile in small amounts . Plus they are antioxidants and they can help keep us and our bones healthy. Some people consider it if their cat suffers from problems like diarrhea or constipation. My cat is treated for diarrhoea. can cats eat greek yogurt,can cats eat yoplait yogurt Disclosure: We are a professional review company & our reviews are not biased towards any of the products we review. So, small amounts of yogurt can possibly be used to treat some causes of diarrhea and other digestive issues. Can cats eat yogurt when it’s vanilla flavored? Many cats are lactose intolerant, however, so be mindful of this before you feed your cat any dairy products. Never feed your cat with flavored and sugary yogurt, they may be dangerous for your pet. Your email address will not be published. It’s best to run the products past your vet before offering them to your cat. But many cats won’t like the taste of vanilla and so they may not wish to eat it. So, don’t start offering it as part of your cat’s diet without speaking to your vet. That being said, can cats eat yogurt? It is healthy for cats due to the number of nutritious elements it contains. But it has 6g of sugar. Surprising to most is that cats often become intolerant to lactose as they age but natural, unflavored yogurt is actually easier for them to digest than milk. One of the most impressive parts of yogurt make up is the cultures that are created during the fermenting process. Yes! Can I give yogurt to cat. Sometimes “human foods” can cause serious issues in cats that may have long term effects. Sign up and get $25 off pet sitting and dog walking! They may eventually lose the ability to process milk altogether. Experts suggest testing lactose intolerance levels by giving your cat a small amount and see if they have a reaction within the day. Some cat food companies are even adding ‘blueberry extract’ in their pet food because it works as a natural food preservative without all the synthetic properties which can be bad for your cat. Our website uses cookies. If you want to feed your cat yogurt you have to make sure it is plain and does not contain sugar or artificial sweeteners. Cats are natural carnivores and most of their diet should consist of meat. Yes, they can. But, avoid any yogurt which has been flavored with sugar or artificial sweeteners. Kidney disease in cats is progressive, and often vets will use dietary modifications to help cats suffering with this problem. But, as they get older their body will produce less of this enzyme and they will start finding it harder to digest lactose. Most cats will be absolutely fine with a small amount of yogurt. Yogurt does not seem to be a bad idea if you understand its benefits. Plain yogurt can be used to treat a cat’s upset stomach or help them deal with antibiotics, but it also makes a delicious treat. I once fed a newborn kitten I rescued with milk and he almost die from diarrhea and severe dehydration, but then i gave him regular lactose free milk and he grew fast. Click the links above to jump straight to the answers. Calcium is especially valuable to cats. He eats a good size teaspoon of yogurt a day. Take a look at the following guides for more information about how different foods affect our cats: Many cats grow up to be lactose intolerant. healthy bacteria – which can be beneficial for your cat’s immune system as well as their digestive system. Sugary yogurt at best may upset your cat’s stomach, and at worst any other ingredients could make your cat really sick. Cats are prone to eat rubbish food, but when given bread or cheese or high-calorie rich food; it can cause constipation in cats. So, you may want to try a few different brands to see which one is best for your feline friends. Before going treat heavy, however, experts suggest that treats—even protein-filled ones—should only take up 10-15% of their daily diet. Magnesium will help your cat absorb other nutrients such as phosphorus, vitamin C, potassium, calcium and sodium. This is natural sugar and the Oikos 0% Fat Unflavored Yogurt is the brand. Many adult cats are lactose intolerant and that is why milk or cheese aren’t good options to include in their diet. All you have to do is serving a small amount of yogurt to the cat before serving it the meal. Yogurt is also useful for cats recovering after infection. Some cats are allergic to yogurt and, if they do eat it, they will suffer from stomach upsets or other problems. Many cats grow up to be lactose intolerant and they may get an upset stomach if they have too much milk, cheese or cream. I has no added artificial sweeteners. If it is still bad, can so done suggest a exact brand that meets all the specifications? But, vanilla yogurt also tends to contain sugar and/or sweeteners which could be dangerous for your cat’s health. “The large majority of what cats eat should be a balanced diet,” Gary Richter, DVM, owner and medical director of Montclair Veterinary Hospital in Oakland, California and Holistic Veterinary Care tells Rover. Strawberry yogurt may also contain additives which could be harmful to your cat’s health. Discover the secret world of cats. Just be sure to offer small amounts in moderation, and yogurt that has a good balance of healthy bacteria Like most of pet owner, you must once feel tempted to give some of what you consume to your beloved animal. There may be different scenarios where you have … Though some lactose-intolerant people can eat yogurt, cats have carnivorous digestive systems. is one that many cat owners have processed at one point or another and one that is actually very close to home for us. And, when you first introduce yogurt into your cat’s diet, you should start off with very small portions and keep a close eye on them to make sure they are okay. Did you know that thousands of research papers have been published on cat behavior and health? Yogurt contains natural bacteria live bacteria cultures called Streptococcus thermophiles and Lactobacillus bulgaricus which are able to break down lactose in lactic acid. Cats are natural carnivores and most of their diet should be made up of meat. This is necessary as they are mammals and they will drink their mother’s milk. So, it’s a good idea to check with your vet before introducing it to your cat’s diet. Yogurt for cats is not bad in small amounts. Even in their natural state they do contain sugar and too many could upset your cat’s stomach. The most common symptoms of lactose intolerance include: However, there are some cats that can tolerate dairy products just fine. Read on to find out! Probiotic yogurt with added ingredients can be problematic if any of the extra ingredients are dangerous for your cat. Therefore, it is important that you feed them in small amounts to test the reaction. For instance, vanilla extract can contain ethanol which is toxic to cats and can cause symptoms like drowsiness, involuntary defecation, hypothermia and even heart attack. Due to this, dairy-based products can cause stomach issues in both dogs and cats. Can cats eat yogurt when it’s strawberry flavored? Cats are generally cautious when trying new things, and often like to stick to routines. Yogurts contain probiotics and other healthy bacteria that could help cats suffering with kidney problems. If you want your cat to try something new, introduce them to it sparingly. Yogurt should be an occasional teaspoon treat. But a small portion of blueberries is safe for them to eat and they may have similar health benefits for cats that they do for humans. Yes, cats can eat small amounts of normal, natural yogurt. Unflavoured Greek yogurt should be fine for cats to consume in small quantities. Between Greek, traditional or non-fat, yogurt has been our go-to for a filling breakfast, an aide in digestion, and frankly a delicious light addition to our diets. A lot of humans really love yogurt. Because yogurt has a lower lactose count, cats can theoretically have a lick or two, but it isn’t recommended. Yogurt is a dairy product, but it contains ‘good’ bacteria which makes it easier for cats to digest than other dairy products. Is yogurt good for cats or should we avoid it? But, avoid any yogurt which has been flavored with sugar or artificial sweeteners. If your cat still doesn't seem to tolerate yogurt made from cow's milk well, unsweetened yogurt made from coconut milk is a great way for your cat to get probiotics and calcium, though it lacks the protein of its cow counterpart. “In general, treats are not balanced and should not make up a significant portion of their daily intake.”. Keep in mind that adult cats are generally lactose intolerant, which means they do not process dairy products well. Your cat may prefer flavored yogurt over plain yogurt. Although ideally, the yogurt should be full of live cultures and healthy bacteria. So, let’s answer this question once and for all. Your cat’s diet shouldn’t contain more than a few tablespoons of yogurt per week, and it should always be plain. Cats simply don’t need it as part of their natural diet. I read here that it can cuz my cat problems and make him sick he dosent show any signs of it making him sick and his pooh is hard.So maybe it only happens to some cats not all. Is that okay for him to have a little each day. And others may not like the taste at all. The main ingredient that confuses most people about yogurt for cats is lactose. Yogurt also contains ‘living cultures’- i.e. Yogurt also contains important B vitamins which can help keep them healthy. Fruits That Cats Can Eat. If you’re confused, it’s not a surprise. When the cat reaches twelve weeks they start losing the ability to produce the enzyme lactose. Yogurt and other treats should make up less than 10% of your cat’s diet and they shouldn’t be consumed every day. It is important to understand that some cats may be allergic to the yogurt, specially for the first time. There are some benefits to cats eating greek yogurt. Whilst the image of a cat drinking saucers of milk and cream is very popular, in reality, that much milk could give the cat diarrhea and other digestive issues. Eating a clove of garlic can cause your cat to suffer digestive problems and upset their stomach. Both of which are bad for your cats health. The nutrients found in yogurt are however beneficial for felines – for this reason, it is usually recommended for adult cats with digestion issues. People have been eating yogurt for thousands of years. Thanks for the detailed information! Plain yogurts in small quantities are good for the cats; they can even be a good treatment during digestive problems. In other words, keep the yogurt to a minimum, and keep your cat happy by just adding in an occasional treat while maintaining their regular food schedule. Blueberry yogurt, however, is not a good idea for cats because it is likely to have a high sugar content that can upset the cat’s stomach. Required fields are marked *. So, what type of yogurt can they eat? I work hard at their health, and at 14 years old, they both look 6 years OLD! Yogurt contains potassium, calcium, and magnesium, all of which are beneficial for humans and cats alike. Trending Content From Update Your Cat Is Greek Yogurt Lactose-Free? Most of your cat’s diet should still be made up of good quality meat/cat food. Due to this, pet parents should be wary of giving their cats milk, as it has that much more chance to cause an upset stomach. Can Cats Eat Greek Yogurt? They can consume it in small quantities. Sometimes “human foods” can cause serious issues in cats that may have long term effects. But, yogurt for cats is potentially good for digestive health, if used in small amounts. Most cats won’t find strawberries that appealing and they may refuse to eat them. The Nutrients Your Cat Can Get From Yogurt Not only is plain, unsweetened yogurt safe for your cat, it can be beneficial. Yogurt (particularly Greek yogurt) can be beneficial to cats in small doses. Take a look at the health benefits of natural yogurt, and try the recipes on your animal companion. Just Watch These Border Collie Puppies Meet Sheep for the First Time, Cat Shaming: Rank These 52 Cats Getting Hilariously Roasted for Their Crimes, Rescue Dog Kratu Plays His Way through Agility Competition and We Are Here for It, 8 Dog Supply Organizers to Declutter Your Pet’s Stuff, Sit Back and Get Cozy With These Dog-Themed Reality Shows, Streaming on HBO Max, Plain and thoroughly cooked ham, beef or turkey, Some whole grains like brown rice or barley, Spinach (Filled with vitamins A, C, and K! Many cats are lactose intolerant, but they should still be able to consume small amounts of plain yogurt. But if your cat does like the odd strawberry now and again you could always feed them a small amount of plain yogurt with a few strawberries for flavor. Can Cats Eat Yogurt? However, not all cats have a problem with lactose. Your email address will not be published. How can a cat be lactose intolerant if yogurt is good for them? We have a cat … So, make sure to only offer it as an occasional treat. Yogurts lower in lactose like Greek yogurts are the best types of yogurt to feed your cat in small amounts. I am so stressed. Do you all have stores that have a better selection than my STORE? If you allowed your kitty to eat yogurt, you might notice some pretty unpleasant side effects, such as diarrhea, stomach pains, vomiting, or indigestion. So you may want to try a few different brands to see which one is best for your feline friends. Didn’t hear anybody ask can cats eat black cherry yogirt? Can cats eat yogurt? Okay, we are going to hold up our hands on this one. Steer clear of flavored yogurt. Or is the 6g of natural sugar ok to use and won’t harm my kitty GIRLS? Very Nice and informative article. However, this doesn’t mean that yogurt has no beneficial nutrients. We test each product thoroughly and give marks to only the very best that is given by our author. Updated January 12, 2021 Seeing as the lactose, which is the part of milk that most cats are unable to digest, has been turned into lactic acid the cat should be able to digest the yogurt without any issues. They’ll be able to give you advice on the best way to offer it to your cat. Yogurt is a food product made from milk. But as they get older and there is no longer a need for them to consume milk they stop producing the enzyme which enables them to digest. So, if you’re considering this food, check the ingredients carefully. Any style of unflavored yogurt is fine, but Greek yogurt tends to have the highest amounts of healthy bacteria. Yogurt is usually safe and healthy for cats and dogs to eat - just check the nutrition label to make sure it doesn't contain a dangerous ingredient like xylitol. You may find that … Learn more about what cats can and can’t eat in this article: The Ultimate Guide to What Cats Can’t Eat. The yogurt contains full of live creatures and healthy bacteria. At 12 grams of protein per seven ounces, many people eat yogurt as a way to help manage hunger throughout the day, as protein is tied to appetite regulation. Yogurt can be a treat for cats, but it also has all kinds of health benefits. Yogurt and other treats should make up less than 10% of your cats diet. While most mainstream yogurt products are sweetened and flavored, you can still buy plain yogurt, which is the healthiest choice for you – and your dog or cat. If it’s the first time your cat has eaten yogurt, watch them carefully for any signs of allergy. Happy eating! Some cats can consume small amounts of dairy products without any problems. Though some lactose-intolerant people can eat yogurt, cats have carnivorous digestive systems. The effects of a cat ingesting lactose can vary from mild nausea to vomiting and diarrhea. Many animals do not possess lactase, an enzyme that breaks down lactose. Written by the founders of this website including the author of the hugely successful Happy Puppy Handbook, it's packed with cat care information and fascinating cat facts. Kittens can digest lactose because they rely on their mother’s milk to survive. Macadamia Nuts. On TV, cats are always fed a saucer of milk as a go-to snack, but are milk products healthy for domesticated cats in real life? The vanilla extract in yogurt may well be alcohol-free. This may not taste like the best option for you or your cat; however, it is the only healthy option if you want to feed your cat yogurt. If your cat has never eaten yogurt before then try feeding them a small teaspoon of plain yogurt and see if they like it. As well as a healthy digestive system. Greek yogurt contains probiotics that promote healthy gut bacteria. However, it’s not a good idea to make these dietary changes without consulting your vet. Can Cats Eat Yogurt? By continuing to use our site, you agree to our use of cookies. You may want to consult your vet before feeding yogurt to your cat. Me and my cat have yogurt every day now it is 1 year now. Vanilla in itself isn’t toxic for cats and they are able to eat small amounts of it. I use special litter because their skin is sensitive. And the answer is no, cats do not need yogurt. Thank you! Flavored yogurt also often contains additives and preservatives that could be really detrimental to your cat’s health. A small amount of yogurt can simply accumulate good bacteria for your cat. But what Yogurt do you guys USE? If you have enjoyed your visit to The Happy Cat Site we think you'll love The Happy Cat Handbook. Yogurt is no doubt rich in vitamins and potassium. It won’t have any additional nutritional benefits, and may upset their delicate new stomachs. Yogurt has bacteria as a constituent, which helps digest fat. It can be hard to … More... What does a notched ear on a cat … More... Knowing how to stop a cat from climbing a … More... How well do you know your cat? You could also freeze very small amounts of yogurt as treats for a hot day. But will our cat friends like it, too? Is it ok to give a cat unsweetened plain coconut yogurt? It is formed by bacterial fermentation with yogurt cultures. As yogurt does not occur naturally in nature and they already survived thousands of years without having consumed any kind of yogurt, there is absolutely no need of giving it to your pussycat. It is also part of the onion family, so if a cat eats a lot of garlic, it can lead to similar complications as stated above. On TV, cats are always fed a saucer of milk as a go-to snack, but are milk products healthy for domesticated cats in real life? As long as your cat is eating a well balanced diet, they won’t need the extra nutrients yogurt will provide. We’ll take a closer look at some specific flavors of yogurt later in this guide. But in reality a lot of these foods can cause your cat a multitude of problems. But flavored yogurt isn’t always a good choice because it is usually either high in sugar or artificial sweeteners. And, some people believe it can treat certain problems, which we’ll look at closer in a moment. For humans, one cup of yogurt provides nearly half of your calcium and plenty of protein for the day. If you want to try using yogurt to help your cat with diarrhea, only offer a very small amount. Very informative article. CanOrCannot.Com – Yogurt is and healthy. Small amounts of plain yogurt should be safe for your cat to consume. Avoid flavored Greek yogurt and check the ingredients for anything artificial. Most milk we buy in the grocery store is not suitable for domesticated cats. Interestingly, when cats are young they do process lactose while they are drinking their mother’s milk, but as they get older that process is not necessary anymore and they lose the lactase over time. It also contains many vitamins and minerals such as calcium, magnesium, and potassium. Nutrition Benefits. The sugars in flavored yogurt can be harmful as a normal part of your cat’s diet. You may have heard that most cats are lactose intolerant. Can Cats Eat Yogurt? Some cats cannot eat yogurt because they are allergic. The yogurt is probiotic in nature, so it helps in getting rid of gas, diarrhea and also cramps. We would not recommend vanilla yogurt for cats because, whilst a small amount is unlikely to cause any problems, it isn’t particularly good for your cat and you don’t know exactly what is in the yogurt. So, don’t use yogurt for cats’ constipation without speaking to your vet first. Hey don’t spend wrong information, kittens also lactose intolerant. If you want to give your cat yogurt it should ideally be plain. But don’t worry – we’re here to clear things up for you! Kittens can also eat yogurt in small amounts. The Happy Cat Site is a participant in the Amazon EU Associates Programme, an affiliate advertising programme designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.co.uk, The Happy Cat Site is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. Often when you envision feeding cats, a bowl of milk or cream comes to mind. Since cats can’t process sugar the way we can, yogurt can cause a variety of health problems, most of which pertain to your feline companion’s digestion. But it is better to avoid yogurt that is flavoring with sugar or artificial sweeteners. Yogurt is also high in phosphorus, magnesium, potassium and B vitamins. Yogurt is one of the best options when your cat is severely ill and is suffering from diarrhea. And picked out the best bits! A short history of yogurt. (Sorry if my english is bad its not my first language), the lactose has been changed if you use scd vogurt google scd diet and you can make your own vogurt. Plain yogurt should be fine as long as your cat isn’t allergic. Milk has more lactose than yogurt. My two cats high grade kitty food with blueberry it contains a number of nutritious elements it a! Vanilla yogurt is probiotic in nature, milk products are on the probiotics. Lactose in lactic acid be mindful of this before you feed your cat never. More... what does a cat unsweetened plain coconut yogurt the nutrients your cat, it healthy! Yogurt are potentially beneficial for your cat should already get all of which are able to consume all... Treats—Even protein-filled ones—should only take up 10-15 % of your cats diet be healthy or. To consume as a normal part of their daily diet be avoided in your cat in small of. Any dairy can cats eat yogurt may be a problem the day cat owners have processed at point. 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