Calvin Cycle or Dark Reactions). The Chloroplast and Photosynthesis Photosynthesis What are oxygenic phototrophs and how have they determined the course of evolution of life on earth? The hydrogen combines with the carbon dioxide to make glucose. Photosynthesis SlideShare. The dark reaction occurs in the stroma. Each topic contains a PowerPoint presentation, Notes Outline, Homework Assignments, Quizzes, and Unit Exam. Lead the answer to “in the cells of green plants”. Photosynthesis. . In total, there is 1 PowerPoint Presentation Lesson Plan, 1 Notes Outline, 3 Homework Assignments, 2 Qu Los recortes son una forma práctica de recopilar diapositivas importantes para volver a ellas más tarde. Carbon dioxide goes through the stoma on the leaf. The grana are the stacks of disks that contain the pigment, chlorophyll. Plant species intermediate for c3, c4 photosynthesis Science. Photosynthesis PPT