Positive: Dreaming of an alligator can represent strength(...) - Read More To see a crocodile in your dream symbolizes freedom, hidden strength and power. When a pet appears along with something dangerous or threatening, it often indicates that the dreamer wants to protect someone from something. A blue crocodile or alligator is strangely said to represent a strong fear of a positive situation. A crocodile also represents your enemies. Psycho Dream Interpretation | Ella Freeman Sharpe . 3. Vision: Looking at a crocodile is a warning about evil-minded people around you. A crocodile also represents your enemies. As I was dreaming all this, my sister-in-law said she heard me crying in my sleep! Be very careful especially when you are around people that you don’t know very well. If you happen to touch or pet a lizard in your dream, take it as a warning. I’ve never heard of such a thing. like a water tub in the top part of a refrigerator opened like a freezer, despenced water threw the front of the door like. So you could have done anything you liked with the crocodile head – made it into a lover man or even a pet dog. ... A pet dog in a dream represents an astringent and a bitter enemy. we can dream of red-eyed crocodiles, this is linked to betrayal or … Although you might live with it from the time it is little, it still will never be fully domesticated and may attack you any time. Alligator Meaning and Crocodile Meaning Crocodiles, alligators and caiman’s are all similar to each other, so this page combines the three.This article will touch on subtle nuances of caiman, as well as symbolic alligator meaning and crocodile meanings so there is no question about pointing out the differences. To dream you are being bitten by a crocodile or alligator can mean that you are being warned about a looming threat or danger. Because crocodiles are amphibious creatures, a crocodile dream suggests that you may be trying to have a place in two different worlds; it can also indicate flexibility. Dreaming of a crocodile may also represent self-transformation, especially if you weren’t afraid of this creature in your dream. Because crocodiles can live in water and on land, they also represent your conscious and unconscious and the emotional and rational. Heed this warning when dreams of this nature visit you. normal frig. You will experience some positive changes and all your worries and problems will stay in the past. This is for the purposes of comparison and contrast. The dreamer must be cautious. Dreaming about a big dog – If you saw a big dog in your dream, such dream is a good sign, and often symbolizes loyalty. If you saw a tiger trying to enter your house, such dream is usually a good sign. This dream indicates that there’s some hidden danger in your life. Submitted by Clancy on 22 June 2004 - 9:18pm . What Does Dreaming About Alligators Mean ***NOTE*** Because Alligators and Crocodiles are so close in physical appearance, “What Does Dreaming About Alligators Mean” includes a bit about Crocodile dream meanings. Symbol: The crocodile is a symbol of gluttony, deceit, and chaos. I called for help and was told they would have to remain there over night but that I was safe as they were behind closed doors each in a seperate room. It’s also possible that the alligator in your dream is telling you that you have been a bit confident lately. Senia – Dreams are all your own creation, your feelings put into images. Lion Dream Explanation — • Riding on a lion’s back: Will ride on a high tide, either by travelling by sea in the inappropriate season when the sea is in fury or by succeeding or outsmarting the ruler. Dreaming about a crocodile as a pet. I dreamed of a crocodile and an alligator in my house. -LeLanya Green 2017-11-07 10:30:19. Maybe you feel suffocated by someone or someone depends on you. Delve deeply into Alligator and Crocodile symbolism and meaning to find out how this Animal Spirit Guide can support, strengthen, and inspire you! Dreaming of a crocodile may also represent self-transformation, especially if you weren't afraid of this creature in your dream. Avoid giving your confidence even to friends. Dreamed admiring the own teeth because of their whiteness and protection is a sign of vanity, but also satisfaction because they are made by their desires. Dreaming of Being Attacked, Bitten or Fighting. Dreaming of a crocodile may also represent self-transformation, especially if you weren't afraid of this creature in your dream. Dreaming does not own healthy and beautiful teeth indicates good friendships. It was an unruly pet, now Cody was told by ash, the group leader not to enter the fenced dam, little cory wouldn’t listen, he climbed the fence and jumped in, then as the crocodile swam after him there was the random beach chair green and white in colour, Cody scampered up onto it cowering, the crocodile tore left his leg off. Getting bitten by a crocodile: a dangerous situation is developing. Alligator and Crocodile, as a Spirit, Totem, and Power Animals, can help! The dreamer might also be facing a situation wherein he stands helpless, hence the wishful dream. A crocodile also represents your enemies. I was petrified of the tiger but I seemed ok with the crocodile. If you personally believe that black cats are bad luck, dreaming of one can symbolize the presence of … Dreaming of a crab must make the dreamer reflect on the characteristics that differentiate it from other animals and make it unique: the armor, the claws, the oblique gait, the habitat halfway between land and water, on beaches and rocks. But it’s time to shake things up and inject more adventure in your life. A pet snake is a symbol for a nice period that is in front of you. The ordinary meaning of the crocodile spirit animal is the need for vitality, ferocity, and strength among the alligator people. If you dream of a calm alligator, it is a good omen that you should start the project you are dreaming about, or lean into spiritual pursuits. Then, I see something lurking in the water. If you dreamed about seeing a crocodile or an alligator lying on a lake shore, such a dream is a good sign and might indicate having a good love life. It also forewarns of hidden danger. We feel protective of our pets and often think of them as family. Dreaming dirty teeth hints that other people have problems with other people and maybe some diseases. 1. Dreaming of stepping on a crocodile’s back, you may expect to fall into trouble, from which you will have to struggle mightily to extricate yourself. Dreaming about not being able to get away from a dog – If you dreamed that you couldn’t get away from a dog, such dream might symbolize not being able to get rid of some annoying person from your life. 2. If you dream of playing with the crocodile or adopting it as a pet, it indicates that you are trying your level best to change yourself for good. If you see dogs in your dream then this indicates that you need to better relate with people around you. Dreaming About Crocodiles. Dreaming about an alligator signifies a period of growth and rebirth for you. An alligator is a thick-skinned, aquatic carnivore with a broad head and a rounded snout. Crocodile. Alligator & Crocodile Table of Contents Keeping a crocodile or alligator as a pet is dangerous. Dreaming of a crocodile or alligator in captivity represents access to some unique part of the dreamer’s character – a tame crocodile reflects the attainment of power and influence in the dreamer’s waking life. Dreaming of a black cat may signal a fear of using and trusting your intuition. Dog or other pet – dreaming of a dog or pet is very common. It is a sign of boiling with anger in an unforeseeable manner. Dark & dirty…almost looked like swimming in feces. Also, look before you leap as you contemplate any new business ventures. See Leviathan, Crocodile, and Dinosaur. You are a procrastinator who leaves things until the last moment as a result of … The art of dreaming is not to try to scare your feelings away, but to face them and transform them. If you dream of playing with the crocodile or adopting it as a pet, it indicates that you are trying your level best to change yourself for good. If you dreamed about a dead tiger, such dream can be a bad sign. The cat is a female symbol, both for its natural way of being and because it is a fussy little pet for many women, therefore, when a man dreams about cats it suggests the presence of women in a sexual sense. Meaning of the Crocodile Spirit Animal/Crocodile Totem. I had a dream that I was babysitting and that the family I was babysitting for had a pet crocodile. Things have been certainly easy and smooth sailing. Dreaming Of A Fish Dying But Not Dead Yet. If you dream of an alligator as a pet, this is a similar dream. This dream might indicate the accumulation of some hidden danger, possibly affecting you when you least expect it. Seeing a fish dying in a dream with having enough time to revive it reflects that you are being negligent and careless in handling the task provided to you. I do not remember the ending. These are not a gentle type of creatures. Dreaming with wild animals may symbolize your bad behaviours and anger. Killing a crocodile: you are able to defeat a powerful … Alligator and Crocodile teach you how to tune into your innate skills! A crocodile jumps up out of the water and just in the nick of time I grabbed my daughter and ran. Fighting With Snake. If you are dreaming that you have a pet snake, it could be a good sign. Symbolic Alligator Meaning and Crocodile Meaning. These dreams often indicate a lack or lack of protection. Dreaming of a pet crocodile is one of the many dreams we can get as well as other dreams with crocodiles this also has a different meaning. Dreaming about a crocodile or an alligator on a lake shore. Your unexpected nerviness may get worse and you may face some health problems, or you may feel hopeless. ... (turtle, crocodile), the crab take charge of support the world. The quick interpretation of a crocodile involves a warning of hidden danger. Pets featured in dreams can have many different meanings depending on the pet in the context of the dream itself. Their totemic meaning lies more in the more profound spiritual sense of … If you dream of playing with the crocodile or adopting it as a pet, it indicates that you are trying your level best to change yourself for good. You have the qualities of a great leader. Someone near you is giving you bad advice and is trying to sway you into poor decisions. For some cultures, the crocodile is a symbol of patience. It’s perfectly natural for them to appear in dreams. Dreaming about a dead tiger. A Pet Snake. In my dream, the crocodile (or alligator - I don't really know) truly frightened me. Dreaming about a tiger trying to enter your house. To dream of an alligator or a crocodile means danger. If surrounded by alligators, the dreamer has to make a choice among equally distasteful choices. This dream might also indicate the need to stop worrying about some situation, because everything will work out fine in the end. It could also mean that you need to be more aware of possible problems. If attacked by an alligator, there is a problem that will not go away and must be dealt with. go to vet me a cup of water and there is a sign on the door saying do not drink alligator infestation. I had a dream of a water refrigerator infested with baby alligators.